Siema, napotkałem na problem z AuthMe, mianowicie z systemem przywracania hasła przez E-Mail, Mam wykupioną na LvlUp'ie WWW i tam mam adresy email. Chyba wszystko dobrze wpisuję, a to nie działa. Konfiguracja: Email: # Email SMTP server host mailSMTP: '' # Email SMTP server port mailPort: dword:0000024b # Email account which sends the mails mailAccount: '' # Email account password mailPassword: '' # Custom sender name, replacing the mailAccount name in the email mailSenderName: 'SzymoonPL - Wlalciciel' # Recovery password length RecoveryPasswordLength: 8 # Mail Subject mailSubject: '[JBL.Pl] Twoje nowe haslo!' # Like maxRegPerIP but with email maxRegPerEmail: 1 # Recall players to add an email? recallPlayers: false # Delay in minute for the recall scheduler delayRecall: 5 # Blacklist these domains for emails emailBlacklisted: - '' # Whitelist ONLY these domains for emails emailWhitelisted: [] # Send the new password drawn in an image? generateImage: true # The OAuth2 token emailOauth2Token: ''
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